Klett-Perthes Atlas

These are just a few screenshots of the hundreds of maps available on the Klett World/US portion of our eMapshop product line. Click here to watch a video tour of our Klett product and see a full listing of the maps included below.

The Klett collection includes over 180 maps, graphics, and images for presentation and education. The maps are interactive – you can zoom/pan and use the drawing tool to highlight portions of the map. Legends can be switched on and off and maps can be saved for use in other documents.

This package is an add-on to any standard eMapShop map package. Please contact us at  804-320-0719 or staff@globeandmapshop.com and we’ll tailor a set of maps for your class or school.

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World Maps
Political Time Zones Income Inequality
Physical Energy Resources Childhood under Threat
Phys.- Pacific & Atlantic Population Density Female Income
Landforms Population 2050 Women in Govt.
Ocean Population 2050 Women in Govt.
Urbanization Political Organizations Natural Pop. Development
Economic Organizations North Polar Region: Ocean Floor Migration
United Nations South Polar Region: Ocean Floor Life Expectancy
European Union Continental Drift Education
Violent Conflicts Plate Tectonics 1:160,000,000 Gross Domestic Product
Income Inequality Earthquakes Human Development
Childhood Under Threat Earthquakes Human Development
Volcanism & Geotectonic Processes Male/Female Ratio Female Income
Climate Population by Age Women in Government
Precipitation in January Health Political Organizations
Average Annual Precipitation Employment by Sector United Nations
Precipitation Variability Employment of Women European Union
Water Resources 2000 International Tourism Receipts Violent Conflicts
Water Resources 2025 International Tourist Flows Income Inequality
Water Use by Religions Energy Consumption
Water Stress Official Languages Export Concentration
Temperatures in January Ethnic Diversity Trade in Agricultural Products
Temperatures in July Cultural Regions Trade in Mining Products
Air Pressure & Winds in Jan. Government Expenditures Trade in Manufactured Goods
Air Pressure & Winds in July Military Expenditures Telecommunication
Eco-zones Foreign Direct Investment Carbon Dioxide Emission
Soils Foreign Aid Freedom and Democracy
Biodiversity Debt Burden The World from Washington, D.C.
Agriculture Displaced Persons Population Density
Desertification Nutrition Population 2050
Deforestation Hunger Urbanization
Environments Natural Resources/td> Natural Pop. Development
Natural Hazards Agricultural Resources Migration
Life Expectancy Violent Conflicts
North America Maps
Physical Environments Economy
Political Environments Ethnic Groups
Climate Natural Hazards Canada Physical
Canada Political U.S.A. Physical U.S.A. Political
U.S.A. Political Canada Southwest Canada South Central
Canada Southeast U.S.A. Northwest U.S.A. Southwest and Hawaii
U.S.A. North Central U.S.A. South Central U.S.A. Northeast
U.S.A. Southeast, Outlying Territories Central America
South America Maps
Physical Environments Economy
Political Ethnic Groups Climate
Protected Forests Northern South America Southern South America, Lesser Antilles
Europe Maps
Physical Environments Economy
Political Ethnic Groups Climate
Tourism British Isles, Faroe Islands Northern Scandinavia, Iceland
Southern Scandinavia, Baltic States Central Europe Spain & Portugal
France Italy Southern Balkan States
Southeastern Europe, Turkey & Caucasian States Central European Russia Northern European Russia
Southeastern Europe, Turkey & Caucasian States Central European Russia Northern European Russia
Asia Maps
Physical Environments Economy
Political Ethnic Groups Climate
Population Density Russia and Central Asia Southwestern and South Asia
Middle East Eastern Asia Southeastern Asia
Australia Maps
Environments Physical Climate
Political Ethnic Groups Economy and Foreign Trade
Australia & New Zealand Australia & Oceania: Environ. Australia and Oceania: Physical
Africa Maps
Physical Environments Economy
Political Ethnic Groups Climate
Eco-regions Northern Africa Southern Africa
Polar Region Maps
North Polar Region: Physical North Polar Region: Political North Polar Region: Physical
South Polar Region: Physical South Polar Region: Political