Your Best
Digital Map
for the
No Yearly Subscription Fees
Purchase Once, You Own It
Call us: 804-320-0719

eMapshop – Your subscription free digital map source!
Major Features

Wide Variety of Interactive Maps
We offer over eight hundred interactive maps that can be displayed on just about any classroom computer or tablet

Rich Map Content
We provide maps for world history, U.S. history, government, earth science, world geography, and human geography.

Customize Maps to your Teaching Requirements
You can select from our collection of over eight hundred interactive maps grouped by grade and subject. If you can’t find the exact map you need for a curriculum, we can build it!

Multiple Interactive layers
Multiple layers of map features provide a robust teaching platform. For example, you can show ocean names then remove them for testing.

Multiple Options for PC, Mac or Tablet!
We offer a way to view our interactive maps utilizing the technology you already have in your classroom. Options include applications running on Windows or Mac, or web based content to run on Chromebooks, iPads, and Surface.
Microsoft Windows
Apple Mac
Apple iPad
Microsoft Surface

Add Your Own Custom Content!
Our electronic maps offer you the option of adding content directly on the map to suit your specific curriculum needs. Draw lines, highlight areas, add labels, and add photographs directly on the maps. Save your custom maps so they can be used over and over again.
Take a Moment to Watch our Video Demonstration
See how eMapshop can benefit
your classroom curriculum
We have created the eMapshop to be a cost effective way to provide quality maps for every teacher and student in your school.
Unlike on-line mapping programs, this is a perpetual site license, which means you pay for it once and own it forever. It’s designed as an IT friendly PDF based map collection for the simple menu driven software. It works great on a SmartBoard but it’s not required. All maps have the Adobe reader tools enabled and you can get by with just a projector screen and a wireless mouse to bring our maps to life. Our packages are designed to be grade level specific. We have an elementary, middle, and high school package. We organize all these maps by an easy to find category and title system.
Available for School Districts, School Campuses, Individual Teachers, Home Schools, and Parents
Our subscription free digital map packages are tailored to your needs. Multi and single user packages are available for classes of any size. Maps can be run on individual computers or networks and are Smart Board or Promethean Board compatible. Click your grade level below for details.

Elementary School
Our K–5 Elementary collection focuses on early map skills, reference maps, and basic U.S. history.

Middle School
A robust package with interactive state, U.S. and world maps along with civic & government collections.

High School
Interactive state, U.S., and world maps plus civic & government and U.S. and world history packages.
eMapshop – Your subscription free digital map source!
Contact Us for More Information and Pricing
(804) 320-0719
Here’s just a small sampling
of the many schools that have recently taken advantage of our
subscription free digital maps:
HISTORY – Our first edition digital map collection was introduced at the 2011 NCSS. We have worked with many educators during the past years to revise and complete our standard specific content. The eMapshop is being utilized in 39 States across the USA and over 800 Virginia schools including Fairfax, Arlington, Prince William and Stafford County. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Social Studies teams in these counties for their invaluable contribution to the content of this unique digital classroom mapping program.
Current eMapShop Users:
New Maps!
Includes updated political changes, “East Sea” label on World History maps, dozens of new maps to address new curriculum requirements.
New Functionality!
Run on your School’s Intranet or network. New Web based version opens the door to Chromebooks and iPads! Works with any modern browser and allows multiple maps to be open at the same time.
Updates Are Available Starting at $99 – Contact Us For Details
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